Schoonmaak bedrijfskleding: zo bescherm je jezelf tegen chemische middelen

Cleaning workwear: this is how you protect yourself against chemical agents

With every profession you have to deal with different factors and therefore also with different safety risks. For example, a construction worker must protect himself with a work helmet and a road worker protects himself with clearly visible work clothing. But cleaners also have to protect themselves while working. They have to deal with various (aggressive) chemical cleaning agents during the day. If proper protective clothing is not worn it can bite the skin. Naturally, one wants to prevent this with the help of good protective work clothing. Continue reading this article to find out how you can protect yourself against chemicals with the help of cleaning workwear.

Protective gloves

These Ansell Touch N Tuff are perfect disposable gloves for cleaning. They're thin, which allows control in the fingers while brushing. They also provide extra grip in wet environments. The gloves are strong, as they have three times the puncture resistance of single-use latex or PVC gloves. These cleaning gloves meet the EN 374 standard which means that the gloves are protected against chemical risks and micro-organisms. So they perfectly keep chemical cleaning products away from your hands. Safety guaranteed!

Good safety shoes

A good safety shoe is a real must when cleaning. You need to have good grip when the floor is damp, for example. In this case, safety shoes must have good soles. The Grisport 903 safety shoes are perfect for cleaners. They are equipped with completely waterproof leather and have a composite toe for extra protection. The shoe is also resistant to various oils that may fall on it. In short, these shoes offer good protection for cleaners!

Long sleeve work clothes

In addition to the hands you also want to protect the forearms. In order to protect these from direct skin contact with chemical cleaning agents it is recommended to wear a shirt with long sleeves. Cotton won't stop everything, but it will absorb the chemicals before it comes into contact with the skin. Clique Carolina long sleeve is very suitable as undergarment for this purpose. This is a thin cotton long-sleeve shirt that is suitable for different situations.

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