When you think of working in winter, you might imagine ice, hail, snowstorms, slippery roads, frozen hands and icy feet. In short, harsh conditions for those who work outdoors during the winter months! These winter conditions call for winter workwear with special properties to keep you dry, warm, comfortable and protected, but at the same time takes into account your safety in your specific work-related environment.
Tips for buying and wearing work clothes in winter:
1. Dress warmly in layers (3 or 4 layers for those who really feel the cold)
The well-known three-layer system provides you with optimum protection against cold and wetness if you coordinate the three layers properly.
- The first layer consists of moisture-regulating, well-fitting synthetic and wool underwear that ensures dry, warm skin ( thermal underwear )
- The second layer is an insulating intermediate layer with properties that transport moisture further to the outer layer, for example a winter sweater , vest or fleece jacket
- The third layer: the outer layer that keeps out water and wind, protects against the cold and further wicks away moisture. (warm winter jackets or winter overalls )
- Optional is a fourth layer that provides extra warmth. This could be an extra insulating layer of clothing with a strong insulating effect. This layer is also windproof and water-repellent.
2. Ventilated winter workwear
Moisture-absorbing and moisture-transporting properties in winter workwear are very important. While performing your work, you should not only stay warm, but also dry to get through the day comfortably. Nothing is as annoying as working in clammy clothing under cold conditions.
3. Wear waterproof, vapour-permeable shoes, boots and gloves for optimum warmth of feet and hands
To keep your hands and feet warm and dry (and prevent chilblains!) during the winter months, it is very important to wear good quality work shoes, work boots and winter work gloves that are waterproof, but still vapour permeable.
4. Replace wet clothing and accessories in time
It is important to have one or more spare winter clothing items such as thermal socks , underwear and winter work gloves . This way you can quickly replace your wet gloves and socks and keep yourself dry and warm.
5. Good protection of head, eyes and ears
In the winter you quickly lose a lot of heat from your head. In addition, eyes and ears are vulnerable and extra sensitive to wet, cold weather. So buy a good, warm hat to keep your head nice and warm: view our range of hats and beanie's