
Bedrijfskleding wassen: waar moet je op letten?

Washing work clothing: what should you pay atte...

Johan Loos

Just like with all other clothing, you should also regularly soak your work clothes in soapy water. After all, you want your clothes to smell fresh and to appear neat...

Washing work clothing: what should you pay atte...

Johan Loos

Just like with all other clothing, you should also regularly soak your work clothes in soapy water. After all, you want your clothes to smell fresh and to appear neat...

Naar het buitenland met de auto? Veiligheidshesjes zijn vaak verplicht!

Going abroad by car? Safety vests are often man...

Johan Loos

When you are abroad you have to deal with different traffic laws. In many countries safety vests are mandatory when you drive the car. Below is an overview of countries where you are...

Going abroad by car? Safety vests are often man...

Johan Loos

When you are abroad you have to deal with different traffic laws. In many countries safety vests are mandatory when you drive the car. Below is an overview of countries where you are...

Tips bij de aanschaf van thermo-ondergoed of thermokleding

Tips when purchasing thermal underwear or therm...

Johan Loos

No matter how cold it is, if you move a lot or work hard, sweat can become your worst enemy. To keep your body warm, you can wear a thermal...

Tips when purchasing thermal underwear or therm...

Johan Loos

No matter how cold it is, if you move a lot or work hard, sweat can become your worst enemy. To keep your body warm, you can wear a thermal...

6 factoren die bijdragen aan schonere vlamvertragende werkkleding

6 factors that contribute to cleaner flame-reta...

Michelle Terlouw

Suppose your fire-retardant work clothing is heavily soiled during work. Of course, you don't want to continue working in that for too long. But how do you get this work...

6 factors that contribute to cleaner flame-reta...

Michelle Terlouw

Suppose your fire-retardant work clothing is heavily soiled during work. Of course, you don't want to continue working in that for too long. But how do you get this work...

Waar moet een veiligheidsbril aan voldoen?

What requirements must safety glasses meet?

Johan Loos

Safety goes above all else and for that we have PPE This goes especially for our eyes, which are irreplaceable. We must therefore be extra careful with our eyes and protect them against...

What requirements must safety glasses meet?

Johan Loos

Safety goes above all else and for that we have PPE This goes especially for our eyes, which are irreplaceable. We must therefore be extra careful with our eyes and protect them against...

Geschiedenis: Van visserij naar kleding

History: From fishing to clothing

Johan Loos

Company Profile How does it work if your entire family makes a living fishing? Then you also get on board to keep the company going. "But if they had not...

History: From fishing to clothing

Johan Loos

Company Profile How does it work if your entire family makes a living fishing? Then you also get on board to keep the company going. "But if they had not...